Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fried Green Tomatoes

I always wondered if people actually ate these or if it was just a weird title of a movie. I had them at a friend's house a little while ago and they were good. I thought I'd give it a try since we have a bunch of green tomatoes outside. It was a fun side dish. I sliced them, tossed them in flour, then in a beaten egg, then in seasoned bread crumbs and pan fried them in olive oil. The picture is off the internet, Mike had the camera today.


Kathryn said...

So for your next southern dish, you should do the same thing to pickles. Fried pickles. I loved them. Just slice in little disks and batter them, then fry. Let me know what you think!

David Fife said...

I seriously have NEVER seen a green tomato. I thought that was a pepper at first, only the top half of the picture was loaded :) Fun stuff. Do you have a garden in your yard then?


Lindz said...

So they were good huh? I have never tried them either.