Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baked I-Phone Anyone?

Sam put Mike's I-phone in the oven yesterday. We left and I had the oven set to turn on at 5:30. When we got home at 6:00 we were greeted with a strange smell. It was a mess. I called poison control to see if the fumes were harmful. They said they weren't as long as we weren't inhaling large amounts of it in a small space. We took plenty of pictures and had a good laugh.

I guess he has a future in baking. Every day he takes this cupcake book of the shelf and reads it by the fire. Looks like I have a new cooking buddy!


Kristy and Ken said...

Best blog post of the New Year. Maybe you should make an Oven alarm app for the I-Phone?

Melanie said...

That is too funny, sad for the loss of an expensive accessory but so funny. Good luck with your little baker!

Kirsten said...

Looks like you've been busy! I hope that you didn't taste it after :).