Sunday, January 11, 2009


I made the kids rag quilts for Christmas. I started back in June and finished Christmas Eve. The kids were with me for the whole project until I pieced them together at the end. It wasn't a surprise, but easier to get done and I let them help me sew. They were really fun to make, but it may be the only sewn by mom thing they'll get, so I'm glad they like them.





Weber Family said...

Super impressive Ash!! You are so cute! They will remember that gift forever!

Lindz said...

Ash, that took a lot of work. That is good. I'll have to post mine as soon as I am done. Mine is sooo much smaller.

Melanie said...

That's cute. I have made some rag quilts for my sisters, with Daniel's help or course, and it is hard to sew with a kid in your lap that is for sure.

kat reynolds said...

Impressive! You'll have to teach me.

Sierra said...

All of the squares are straight and meet in the middle! Hooray! Now what's my problem?

The Gibby's said...

These are adorable Ash! Is there anything that you don't do?

I had such a great time with you the other day. You are as sweet and easy to talk to as you have always been. It was total humiliation watching those videos, but I sure had fun making them! Matt got a good laugh out of them too! Thank you so much for making that copy for me. Let's get together another time soon.

Angela said...

I've always wanted to make a quilt. Wanna teach me!?